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Top 7 best cooking games for Android and iPhone / iPad devices

You love to cook, want to do the job as a real chef, or manage a restaurant, this is the article for you. Try now Top 7 best cooking games in the world today. Whether you use an Android or iOS phone, I still have a list of the most suitable cooking games for you right now.

The classic Japanese cooking game: Cooking Mama Let's Cook!

The Cooking Mama series offers an incredibly novel cooking experience when it first launched on the Nintendo DS more than a decade ago. Now, lovers of this series can continue their game with Cooking Mama Let's Cook !, a new variant of the game for Android phones, iPhone, iPad.

Prepare dishes, run a small restaurant, and join many mini-games on your way to becoming a chef famous for your mother.

Fast-paced cooking game: Cooking Fever

Show off your cooking skills to the entire town with Cooking Fever. In essence, in addition to the ability to cook, you also have to know how to manage your time appropriately so that your customers are always happy. You will have to go through many different restaurants, preparing dishes for fastidious customers. If you want to feel the reality of the heat in the kitchen, then Cooking Fever will take you a lot of effort to win the hearts of all guests.

Favorite Pizza Game: Good Pizza, Great Pizza

Opening the game will make anyone feel comfortable thanks to the use of hand-drawn graphics. Good Pizza, Great Pizza is a game about cooking available on mobile phones with simple but challenging gameplay. Making Pizza, but need to pay attention to the number of mushrooms, cheese, vegetables to use, because if not, all your efforts are at risk of "melting into smoke". Having fun serving more than 80 customers and having to beat your opponent's Pizza store on the opposite side is this offline cooking game quest.

Cooking in: Cooking Dash

For players familiar with the popular PC game: Diner Dash, the main character of this game is also chef Flo. Offering many of the same mechanics as the original PC game series, Cooking Dash takes you to the heart of a culinary show where you have to cook and serve as quickly as possible, in the presence of Diners. If you love the original version, you will love the version for this phone.

Build the same culinary empire: Cooking Craze

Another fast-paced cooking game, Cooking Craze is a great choice for anyone who wants to build a culinary empire while having fun creating different dishes. Start with a donut cart, and you will quickly own a sandwich restaurant, pancakes, and more.

Cooking game "sweet": My Bakery Empire

If you often think of beautifully designed cakes, chocolate shops, and other pastries, nothing can be better than My Bakery Empire. This is a great cooking game and will provide a game experience similar to Cooking Mama exclusively for desserts. Cook dishes with all your heart, and make your bakery a real “empire”.

Show off your cooking skills with Food Truck Chef

Similar to other time-management combo cooking games, Food Truck Chef will keep you on the lookout for what is being processed or will risk burning food. Travel around the world with your food truck, and make a myriad of dishes in this car, with 12 cookers, 1 industrial oven will keep your eyesight.

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