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Top 9 best shooter games for PC and Laptop (Free and paid)

In today's synthesis article, we will present you with the Top 9 best shooting games for PC 2020 that you cannot miss.

PUBG Mobile and PUBG Lite (Mobile, PC)

Titles PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has attracted a lot of players on PC and then Xbox One and PS4. However, PUBG Mobile is a free alternative that provides users with a great experience for users right on their mobile devices. The game uses virtual joysticks and controls so you can freely control the character at will to defeat other players with a sniper gun. And just like the paid version of PUBG for PC, PUBG Mobile also supports you to play in many different modes.

You can PUBG Mobile in a first-person or third-person perspective. Game maker Tencent has also developed an emulator to allow you to play PUBG Mobile on your PC using a computer mouse and keyboard. And the most special thing is, this is a best survival shooter game for PC completely free.

Tencent has also recently expanded the scope of its PUBG Lite release to almost anywhere in the world outside North America. This Lite version was created to reduce system requirements and allow you to easily experience this game on older PCs. Similarly, PUBG Mobile Lite version is also released to help users have a better gaming experience on old smartphone devices.

If you value accuracy and competition in FPS ( First Person Shooter - First Person Shooter ) titles, then Counter-Strike: Global Offensive can be a lightweight shooting game for you. The game requires skill level and requires strategy far beyond the other casual shooters on this list.

This is an extremely fun FPS game that you can play with your friends. Freedom to explore the map and find hiding places, then destroy the enemy with fiery gun battles.


There is no question about the popularity of this game, Valorant was developed and launched by Riot Games , the father of the legendary League of Legends MOBA game. As a free online PC shooter game just released in 2020, players will also choose between many characters with different skill branches. In addition to the normal modes, then we can choose from much other entertainment modes play.

To be able to win, a player must have a composition that can combine skills. However, due to the news release, the gameplay, as well as the number of characters, are a bit limited. However, Valorant will definitely be a good online shooting game for PC that is loved by most players for many years to come.

Half-Life 2

Talking about influential games, Valve Half-Life 2 was born in 2004 and became a very famous shooter monument as we know it. With demanding high-end systems, surreal settings and impressive character sets, Half-Life 2 offers players exciting adventures throughout the journey.

The game shows no signs of being outdated 16 years after it was released, which is the perfect testament to a super classic PC shooter title . According to many players in the world, this is one of the best FPS games created ever.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare / Call of Duty: Warzone

If you don't want to look for something as powerful as Counter-Strike and want to find a light shooter game to have fun with your friends, you will not be disappointed with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, this is the version. Reworked and improved classic 2009 Call of Duty 4.

Call of Duty has dominated the shooter genre for decades because of its gameplay mechanics and realistic graphics. Even the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare version added a free Battle Royale mode called Warzone and it quickly became extremely popular.

Doom Eternal

Hegemony? The devil? Gun? That's all we can say about the Doom Eternal game. This is the latest game from the blockbuster game series Doom, players will use all the weapons they have to destroy all enemies, including many different types of demons. At the same time this is not a game in the genre of slow shooting but the rhythm will be extremely fast. Because just a minute of neglect, you could have been interrupted by a large number of demons attacking.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

One of the most influential PC shooters ever created, Halo has completely changed the genre, giving many other game developers new ideas when it was created. different shooting campaigns and allowing multiple players to participate at the same time. This game is currently available on PC through Steam, as well as Xbox One.

Left 4 Dead 2

It can be said that Valve manufacturer knows how to create FPS games, and the title Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) has proved that, as they continuously release shooters of many forms. Different Types. In 2009, Left 4 Dead 2 can be considered the time when this game is the most popular, whenever there will be at least one L4D2 player on the net. With Zombie shooting gameplay, you will be in control of one of the four characters, then find the way to the exit of each level marked by the red doors. However, things are not so easy, depending on the game screen, the weather will change like rain, night, in a commercial area ... And there are many types of Zombies for players to destroy, including Zombies have special skills.


Contrary to the thinking of many people, Overwatch is not a MOBA game. But here they are a colorful first-person shooter game from Blizzard with many different character classes. With 12 players divided into 2 teams, you will be thrown into battles full of skills from players, to be able to win in In Overwatch, the players must have a very good teamwork spirit. Therefore, you do not want the team to be only full of attacking Heroes but also have full Support and Tanker.
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