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Instructions on how to play the game Coin Master effectively for beginners

What makes the Coin Master attractive? In addition to the impressive graphics and many attractive features, the gameplay is the "key" to the success of this extremely hot mobile game in 2020. Want to build territory, build a strong "kingdom", gamers need to "plow" intelligently. So, please "pocket" right away the most effective ways to play Coin Master games that I share below.

Send over 5 cards/day

What to do when you have a redundant card? For this Casual game, the limit that the system offers is 5 cards/day. However, you can completely "circumvent the law" by submitting more than that number. Because once set foot in the world of Coin Master, everyone wants to send more cards and get help from others.

If you want to send more than 5 cards/day, you should immediately apply the useful tip "change phone". This is one of the best Coin Master tips are applied by a lot of gamers. Every 24 hours, you can send 5 more cards to those in need. Or you can do this by deleting the game and reloading it.

You absolutely can send more than 5 cards/day

Participate in betting "missions"

When there are multiple turns, use them wisely. Typically it is through betting on every 2 - 3 spin. With betting deals like this, what you can get can be increased by up to 3 times.

The more spins, the higher the number of bets. People playing Coin Master call this Super Bet. Perfect when you turn on the pig face icon so you can steal your friends' gold. In case the number of Spins is not much, the Superbet will not turn on. Thus, you will only get 3 times maximum instead of as many times as x 5, x 10, ...

Be skillful when digging for gold

According to the basic way of playing the game Coin Master, gamers will be participating in a quite attractive task. That is gold mining. Want to steal a lot of gold requires a tip Gamers who have long been attached to this game have shared that, to effectively steal gold, please touch 2 fingers.

If the Spin spinner hits the pig face icon, you will be sure to have an extra "cashier". At a friend's house, you will get more stealing turns. However, keep in mind that not all 3 turns are successful.

A companion that can help you "dig up" the last square is your pet. If you do not have a pet, you can still earn more gold by touching 2 fingers. Especially note, this tip works only if you touch 2 fingers at the same time.

Don't miss the free spins

It can be said that the biggest attraction of this game lies in the Spin bonus camera feature. Therefore, many gamers are still confused about some of the tasks when playing, but how to receive Spin Coin Master is very clear. If you want to get more Spin Free turns, you should take the time to make friends.

Once you have made new friends, you can completely invite them to play to get more free spins. Please go to the group, fan page on Facebook, or some other website to update the link to get spin. This is an effective way to play Coin Master that most experienced gamers will know.

Get more turns thanks to the time adjustment

According to the instructions for playing Coin Master for beginners, gamers will have 5 turns per day. However, you can totally get more with the timing tip. When you have set the clock to run more than 24 hours, the Coin Master timer will count through the day faster. And of course, when the new day comes, you will send 5 more cards.

Make sure your animals are always awake

In all Coin Master gaming tips articles, pets are definitely included. However, very few people know that keeping animals awake is an effective way to play Coin Master. Feed the animal and keep it awake for 4 hours if possible. Do not forget, the game gives you 15 minutes of "golden pearl" to be able to own free animals after 24 hours. So make use of this time effectively if you don't have a lot of time to plow.

Buy chests in many different villages

Yellow and rare cards in villages are completely different. Therefore, being flexible when buying chests is one of the tips to play Coin Master that you should apply. Buy chests in multiple villages instead of one permanent village. This will help you avoid an unfortunate miss of being in the high village.

Please calculate to spend a reasonable amount of gold for buying chests in the villages. Because in this mobile strategy game, staying and spending a little more time buying chests is more important than going to the next village.

Use multiple accounts to play Coin Master

If there is only 1 account, please create an extra account for yourself. This is also one of the best Coin Master gaming tips that not all gamers know. When the main account does not have enough money or the card, you can completely use the secondary account to support when needed.

Make sure you always follow the correct process to get the most out of your resources in the beginning. The condition is that this amount of resources is still supported by the publisher during the first trial. For the secondary account, log in to The guest then go into the experience and use all the resources. When you have run out of resources, please log in to your Facebook password to receive a gift. In this gift package, there will be 50 spins, 1 million coins, and hourly spins.

Thus, I have revealed to you the most effective ways to play Coin Master for beginners. All of these are tips that Coin Master players "experience" long plowing time. So please apply effectively to be able to achieve high results in the game. Good luck.
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