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Top 6 most popular diamond games on phones today

Referring to the hottest games on the phone, we can not help but mention diamond games. Diamond Game is a phone game that is popular with many people.

Referring to the hottest games on the phone, we can not help but mention diamond games. Diamond Game is a phone game that is popular with many people. Because it not only brings great entertainment hours, but also trains the ability to calculate and reason for players. Here are the top 6 diamond games on phones that are the most popular today.

Bejeweled Classic

Topped the top 6 most popular diamond games today is Bejeweled Classic. Bejeweled Classic is a classic diamond game that is very popular with the 8x, 9x generation. Participating in your game is calculating how to put 3 or more diamonds together, the more points you will get. In addition to the traditional diamond gameplay, the game also offers a lot of attractive challenges through each level, stimulating the player's desire to conquer.

Marvel Puzzle Quest

Referring to the most popular diamond game today, it would be flawed without mentioning Marvel Puzzle Quest. Marvel Puzzle Quest is a genre of diamond superhero games. This is called because the game is a combination of arranging gems along with the superheroes of the Marvel world. If you are a lover of superheroes such as Thor, Iron man,... don't miss this fascinating diamond game.

Frozen Free Fall

Frozen Free Fall is an attractive diamond game genre that is very popular. The game was inspired by disney's film Frozen – a very popular film that has a revenue of billions of dollars. Frozen Free Fall diamond game has a main interface is blue with attractive tapes. In order to give players the most gaming feeling, the game developer has now focused on investing and upgrading.

Bejeweled Blitz

The next attractive diamond game that many players want to share with you is Bejeweled Blitz. Participating in the world of Bejeweled Blitz games players will have to "squeeze their feet on the neck" to put 3 or more diamonds together to score points. Each game of Diamond Bejeweled Blitz only takes place in the 60s so players need to be quick.

Bejeweled Stars

Referring to the diamond game genre, we refer to Bejeweled Stars. Bejeweled Stars is an all-time classic game that perhaps no one is unaware of. Basically, Bejeweled Stars retains the gameplay of POPCAT diamond games. However, Bejeweled Stars has added many new features, giving players a more enjoyable feeling.

Jewel Ancient Diamond Game 2

Jewel Ancient 2 is the last diamond game that we want to introduce to you in the top 6 most popular diamond games today. Jewel Ancient 2 has a similar gameplay to other diamond games. The player's job is to arrange a minimum of 3 diamonds in the same horizontal or vertical row to score points.

To stimulate the desire to conquer, as well as to let players not be bored, the difficulty of the game will gradually increase with each level. In order for the gaming process to win, luck is not enough, players will have to have their own tactics.

Above are the top 6 most popular diamond games on the market today. Please refer to the most refreshing gaming moments after each hour of studying and working tired.
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