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How to download music on Soundcloud

There are many ways to download music on Soundcloud, the simplest of which is to download music directly on Soundcloud or through websites
There are many ways to download music on Soundcloud, the simplest of which is to download music directly on Soundcloud or through websites that support the download of Soundcloud music online. Refer to the article below of Ben Computer to find out more details of the steps.

About SoundCloud

SoundCloud is one of the largest and most popular websites and music streaming platforms today. The platform allows users to access and update the latest songs from their favorite artists for free.

In addition to the main feature of music streaming, music streaming, SoundCloud also allows users to upload their own songs, audibooks and podcasts. Most importantly, the platform also displays suggested songs that may suit users' interests based on the genre of music they typically listen to.

Another notable point is that SoundCloud does not contain ads like other music streaming platforms such as Spotify, YouTube and some other sites, which can disrupt the user experience.

In addition to the web version, SoundCloud also has available both apps for Android and iOS that users can download and install on the Play Store and App Store respectively.
How to download music on Soundcloud

Suppose for some reason you need to download music on Soundcloud, such as to listen to music offline on devices, copy files to your phone or download music files to merge music. Below are details of the steps taken.
Way 1: Download music directly on Soundcloud

On SoundCloud there is an option to allow users to download music and songs on the platform. Unfortunately, the feature does not support downloading entire playlists.

To download music on Soundcloud, all you need to do is find and click the download icon button located below the song to start the process.

However in some cases this Soundcloud music download option is not available. In this case, readers can refer to how to download the music below.
Way 2: How to download music on another Soundcloud

As Ben Computer mentioned above, not all songs on Soundcloud have a download button available. To download music on Soundcloud in this case we will have to rely on the help of 3rd party online tools, such as KlickAud, ... .

Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Find and copy the song URL that you want to download on Soundcloud located in the browser address bar.

Step 2: Next open a new browser tab and go to the KlickAud homepage(

Step 3: Paste the song URL into the frame and click the Download button. Finally wait until the process is complete, you can open the song on your computer or copy it to your phone to listen offline.
Way 3: Download SoundCloud music on

In addition to the above, you can also download SoundCloud music The steps are very simple. All you need to do is follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open any browser on your computer and go to the home page

Step 2: Copy the song URL that you want to download on SoundCloud and paste it into the .

Step 3: Click the Download button. On the next window, click Download this song to download music to your computer.

The above article Ben Computer has just guided you 3 ways to download music on Soundcloud. Hopefully with the above tricks will help you can download music to your device and listen offline. In addition, if there are any more questions to answer, readers can share their opinions in the comments section below the article.
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