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Top 10 iPhone Tips and Tricks

The iPhone has a ton of great features, but you can make it even more useful with the new iPhone tricks we're going to cover in this article. There are many different iPhone usage tips. Please follow along.

How to charge the battery faster

Do you want to charge your iPhone as fast as possible? If so then set it to Airplane mode first. Airplane mode turns off many of your phone's features, including cellular and wifi, so it will consume less battery power and allow you to charge faster. One last note for you is to remember to turn off Airplane Mode after charging is complete.

To use Airplane Mode: You open the Control Center, also known as the Control Center (by swiping down from the top right of the iPhone X and swipe from the bottom up for some form of other iPhone) and click on the plane statue.
Note: This approach is applicable for all iPhone versions available.

Turning off unused apps does not last longer

You may have heard that turning off unused apps can make your iPhone battery last longer. This is completely not true. In fact, completely draining the app might cause you to need to recharge the battery sooner as it needs to re-launch the app when you need it. So don't completely turn off the apps you don't use - leave them in the background.
Note: This method applies to all current iPhone models.

The rear camera setting flashes the flash every time a notification is received

Want to receive text messages, incoming calls, or other useful information without having to look at the iPhone screen or listen for audio signals? With this tip, the camera flash on the back will blink every time you have a new notification. To do this, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Click Settings.

Step 2: Click General. Skip this step if you are on iOS 13 or later.

Step 3: Click Accessibility.

Step 4: Click Audio / Visual (continue to skip this step if you are on iOS 13 and up).

Step 5: Click the LED Flash for Alert (LED for warning).

Step 6: Move the slider to ON / green mode. Also, move the slider Flash on Silent to ON/green.

Note: This trick works on all iPhone models with a camera flash.

Take a snapshot with the Volume button

Did you know that pressing the Camera button on the screen isn't the only way to take a photo? There is actually yet another simple way that allows you to take a quick photo without having to look or touch the screen. Once the Camera app has been opened, press the Volume up button and your phone will start taking pictures.
Note: This method works on all iPhone models. Some models can take a picture by pressing the Volume down button.

Use Siri to take pictures

Everyone knows they can ask Siri questions, but did you know Siri can help you take photos faster? While it's really not possible to take a photo, Siri can still open the Camera app according to the settings you requested, so you can simply press the Camera button (or press the Volume button ). Here are the steps you need to do:

Activate Siri (hold down the Home button or the Side button, depending on the model you're using) and ask Siri to take a photo or record a video. You can choose the commands below:
  • “ Hey Siri, take a square photo “.
  • “ Hey Siri, take a panoramic photo “.
  • “ Hey Siri, take a video “.
  • “ Hey Siri, take a slow-motion video “.
  • “ Hey Siri, take a tap-lapse video “.
  • " Hey Siri, take a selfie .".
Once the iPhone screen shows the exact image you want to capture, press either the Camera button or the Volume button.
Note: This trick works on all iPhone models. The Selfie feature alone requires iOS 10 or later.

Enter commands for Siri instead of by voice

Siri is great, but you can't always command Siri all the time. In that case, you should enter a command for Siri so it can do what you desire. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Click Settings.

Step 2: Click on General. Skip this step if using iOS 13 or later.)

Step 3: Select Accessibility.

Step 4: Tap on Siri.

Step 5: In the Type to Siri section, drag the slider to ON/green.

Step 6: Now, activate Siri, and the device's keyboard will appear so you can enter commands. You can also speak using the microphone icon.

Add a virtual Home button to your desktop

If you own the iPhone X or newer iPhone models, you will not have buttons Home hard on the machine. However, you can still add a virtual Home button to your desktop. This is a great trick as it gives you quick access to your favorite features with just a few button presses. Here are the steps to enable the virtual Home button:

Step 1: Click Settings.

Step 2: Click General. Skip this step if you are on iOS 13 and up.

Step 3: Click Accessibility.

Step 4: Tap Touch.

Step 5: Click on AssistiveTouch.

Step 6: Move the slider to ON / green mode.
Note: This trick works for all iPhone models.

Adjust volume with one-touch

Have you noticed that the music tracks on your phone are recorded at different volume levels? Old songs have barely enough volume, while newer songs are significantly louder. This means you will need to change the volume at all times. We have a solution so you can play your tracks at the same level of sound. It's called Sound Check, and this feature is built into the iOS operating system. It will check all your tracks, find the average sound level, and then it will apply all of them by default. Here are the steps to enable this feature:

Step 1: Click Settings.

Step 2: Click Music.

Step 3: Scroll down to the Playback section.

Step 4: Move the Sound Check slider to ON / green mode.

Use iOS Dark Mode

This will turn all existing menus on the phone from bright white to dark gray/black. It is really useful when you need to save battery power for your phone or when using your phone in low light conditions.

You can enable this feature by going to Settings -> Display & Brightness -> Select Light or Dark mode.

Shake to undo an import

If you are filling out notes, or composing messages, or text and want to delete what you have recorded, you don't need to use the delete button on the keyboard. If you turn it on, all you need to do is just shake it to have your iPhone erase what has been recorded. Here's how:

Step 1: Click Settings.

Step 2: Select Accessibility.

Step 3: Tap Touch.

Step 4: In the Interaction section, click Shake to Undo to turn ON / green.

So, any time you want to erase what you've entered into your iPhone, shake your phone, and press Undo in the pop-up window.

Above are Top 10 best iPhone tips that you should apply right on your phone to increase the usefulness of the device. Hope this article will be useful to you.
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