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7 free games to help you improve your programming skills

If the code editing screens are too boring, you can find motivation by trying out the programming games below. While they cannot help you master everything you need in programming, these games will help you practice your skills more enjoyably.

1. CodeMonkey

Through the CoffeeScript programming language, CodeMonkey helps you to practice your programming skills. Throughout the program, CodeMonkey will teach you how to create a complete game in HTML5. Although it is aimed at children, CodeMonkey is also worth a try for older programmers.

2. CSS Diner

CSS Diner has 32 different levels, each level helping you to perfect a different skill. Of course, the following levels will be more difficult than the previous level and even help you review what you learned in the previous level.

3. Flexbox Froggy

Flexbox Froggy is a game created to help you understand more about flexbox CSS. The process of rescuing Froggy and his friends in the game will help you understand the details of the flexbox arrangement.

4. Ruby Warrior

If you want to master the Ruby programming language, you should check out this Ruby Warrior game. Easy to difficult levels of the game will help you improve and develop your Ruby programming skills.

5. Untrusted

Untrusted really has a bulky structure and it helps you test and improves your skills in using JavaScript to solve problems. You're basic to advanced JavaScript skills will be practiced by instructing the character Dr. Eval passes through matrices.

6. check and Empire of Code

CheckIO and Empire of Code are in the strategy game genre and they are born to teach you Python and JavaScript programming. In Empire of Code, you will have to fight to defend your space base against enemies with lines of code.

7. Cyber Dojo

Cyber-Dojo 's exercises are quite diverse, supporting dozens of different programming languages ​​such as Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, and Python ... Each exercise has a challenge and examples attached to let you know the results. when completed will be like.
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