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League of legends Wild Rift Beginner's Guide: Champion Role and Line Position

League of legends Wild Rift is a mobile game released in 2020 for android, iOS and consoles by Riot games. Wild Rift is a shorter version of the PC game, and its original mode was related to Multiplayer. You can experience 5v5 PVP gameplay throughout the game, and it has a skill-based game system.

This game was originally for developing a new platform, and of course, you have so many options.

As a Wild Rift player, you will be able to lock in championships and select your choice from a large collection of champions' league legends . Players will have the opportunity to cooperate with friends and other people and play the opposing side in the gameplay. So there will be many options for the players.

There will be strategic gameplay in Wild Rift, and you will have to experience the full competitive 5v5 gameplay throughout Wild Rift. This 5v5 gameplay feature is present in this game because this game is designed for mobile phones.

You can choose your champion , and you have to destroy the enemy called Nexus here within fifteen to twenty minutes. So take the Rift and match to beat the Nexus.

You have to work together to beat the enemy Nexus with around 40 champions . You can level up by climbing the ranking ladder here. The only way to move up the ranks is to master the new Rift as a player. The ranking ladder will show you how much you are capable of performing your skills.

When proving your skills in Wild Rift, you'll have to deal with high-performing champions as well as with extensive macro strategy based battles. In fact, your playing style should vary.

When we talk about champions , these champions are different. They have a variety of skin types to choose from. You can choose their skins in the huge collection of themes in Wild Rift.

No need to consider payments or bills. Everything here is free. All champions in this game are free. There will be no charges or payments for the power you earn or playing time in Wild Rift. There are four modes in this game, namely Classic, Blind Pink, Draft Pick, and Ranked.

Wild Rift Path Champion Role and Position

When this game is launched, there will be 40 champions available. Wild Rift can include some classic champions like Annie, Nasus, and Malphite. Every champion is built from scratch. Before you jump into these 40 champions you should know about their roles and pathways separately. Let's talk about the parts first.

What's the Role in Wild Rift LOL?

We can say that ole played an important role in the wild LOL Rift. There will be six different roles included here, and all game champions are divided into these six roles.

The Role of a Fighter

The fighters play on the Baron track, and it's a melee champions . Usually, a fighter is a person who ranks significant damage power for physical state and physical skill. The combat skills were mostly straightforward, and always needed close range to strike the target.

When you play in the middle of the game phase, the role fighter will be very useful. It's because of his high attack skills. The fighter does significant damage to the enemy.

The skills of a fighter were enormous, and it could be dangerous if he won. A fighter can become stronger and more dangerous when he wins his course and starts ganking.

The role of the Assassin

Usually the role of the Assassin belongs to a champion who is very good at doing high damage skills. This condition can apply to physical mages based on a champion . Assassins use the Baron or Jungle path. This role is very capable of shooting enemies with practical skills and combinations. Some of the Assassin role champions have invisible skills and can move to enemies without worry.

Role of Tanks

Tank's role is also as a melee champion , and has good health, armor, and magical resistance. The ole tanks are the ones who take so much damage in team fights because they are on the front lines. The tank is active in the baron line. C hampions tanks use to protect the entire team, and they are very good at crowd control. Tanks are able to immobilize enemy champions using their AoE skills.
The role of the Mage
The Mage role is a skill-based champion. This role has very high strength or ap ability in each skill. Wizard skills are developed in skill shots and for combos. This combo is used to defend the enemy, and the mage role is in the middle lane when playing.

When considering this role in depth, mages are extremely useful and vital for the later stages of development. This means that mages are very good at controlling crowd damage skills, and for that reason, the role of mage automatically becomes the best role in Wild Rift.

Supporting Role

Usually this role is as a protector. The purpose of the support role is to protect the marksman with heal or shield in the early phase. They assist the team in team fights and play the Dragon pathway with Marksman. Supporting roles have the skills to heal, exterminate, protect, and become a stunt double. They use that skill to immobilize the enemy.

The role of Marksman

The role of Marksman is people who are capable of high attack and damage with high attack speed. So basically, it represents a number of champions with the mentioned skills. This attacking skill is known as Attack Damage Carry in the PC version of League of Legends. Marksman uses the Dragon path.

The role of Marksman can deal massive damage to enemies and even if they are not the target. But remember that they can die quickly if they lose one step in a team fight.

What's the Path in the Wild Rift League of Legends?

There will be three paths, and both of them are connected in a jungle area. Each of these paths is designed for a specific type of role for C hampions , and the correct path must lead to the right kind of C hampions . Otherwise, you will be hit by the enemy very hard. Here are three paths.

Barron Line

Barron's line is for Fighter, Assassin, and C hampion Tank. This line is a 1v1 solo line. You have to play very patiently on the Barron trail and must focus on early game farming. Then you have to dominate the middle and the end of the game. It would be better if you weren't looking for the first fight.

Mid lane

The middle path for mage and C hampion Assassin. It is defined as a solo 1v1 line. When playing in the middle lane, it depends on your shooting skills and your skills in battle. Winning on this Mid Track can be very useful for leading your team.

Dragon Line

Dragon Line is for C hampion in Marksman and Support. This will be a 2v2 duo line, and there should be a fair amount of teamwork playing on Dragon's Path. No matter what your champion is, it helps if you always set goals to win the track. There is a lot of action on this route, such as jungle gank, early game brawl, etc.

Jungle Line

The jungle path is not a defined path, but an area where monsters camp to play. When you are in the jungle you will need very good map awareness to know the location. You can find where to gank and when to gank to help your team members at the right time.


League of legends Wild Rift is a game that proves to you the right game with 5v5 features and a sound combat system. Every minute of the game consists of some more interesting and thrilling facts, and you must always be careful when playing the game. This game has a unique feature included with it to tighten up the players in it. So never hesitate to experience the shorter version of LOL for phones with Wild Rift, and you'll never regret that choice.
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