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With just one phone, gamers can completely play Cyberpunk 2077 no less than PC, PS5

It's possible to play Cyberpunk 2077 anywhere, anytime.

It's possible to play Cyberpunk 2077 anywhere, anytime.

Finally, after many long years of waiting, millions of gamers can experience Cyberpunk 2077 on December 10. With an average score of 96/100, Cyberpunk 2077 deserves one of the best open-world action games of all time, without wasting development and expectations of the gaming community for a reenactment game. to the future world in the past time.

However, since not everyone can afford a console or PC, the good news is that mobile gamers can also try this stunning product on their smartphones or low-profile PCs, laptops thanks to the online game streaming services like Geforce Now or Google Stadia. As two online game streaming services through the cloud specialized for gamers, Geforce Now and Google Stadia are the best solutions for gamers who do not own a PC / Console but can still play Cyberpunk 2077 with the degree of high-quality resolution. In fact, both services support Cyberpunk 2077 playing up to 4K 30fps resolution.

As the most anticipated PC / Console game to be released in 2020, Cyberpunk 2077 officially launched on December 10 on platforms like PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC, and Stadia. In fact, Cyberpunk 2077 version on Stadia is said to be a good version because many players confirm that they can play Cyberpunk 2077 blockbuster on their smartphones and laptops without any problems. Though the Stadia version only supports two resolution options: 1080p60fps and 4K 30fps.

For the Geforce Now platform, although there is no dedicated version, gamers can also play Cyberpunk 2077 if they own this game through Steam, GOG, Epic Games Store. This is a huge feature of Geforce Now because gamers can always play Cyberpunk 2077 without having to buy a dedicated version like Google Stadia. Also, Geforce Now supports playing Cyberpunk 2077 without charge, but gamers will only get low-quality 720p60fps.

In fact, both Geforce Now and Stadia are the best methods not only for mobile gamers but also for gamers who own PCs, laptops that are not too powerful, devices that do not meet the minimum requirements but still want to play Cyberpunk 2077 once in a lifetime. Currently, gamers who purchase Cyberpunk 2077 exclusively for Google Stadia also receive some promotional gifts such as a controller and Chromecast Ultra for Stadia Premiere Edition.

However, there are some things to note that both Geforce Now and Stadia are not currently officially supported in Vietnam, gamers will need to use a 3rd party VPN service to be able to sign up and experience Cyberpunk 2077 on these two online game streaming platforms. According to Google and NVIDIA, both online game streaming services are likely to launch worldwide by 2021, including Vietnam. Also, the Geforce Now and Stadia apps are only compatible with Android and Windows, meaning iOS users won't be able to use these two services.

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