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Cyberpunk 2077 running on Xbox Series X

CD Project Red has decided that today is a good day to share with all the fans the first images of a Cyperpunk 2077 gameplay captured on the new Xbox
CD Project Red has decided that today is a good day to share with all the fans the first images of a Cyperpunk 2077 gameplay captured on the new Xbox X Series and Xbox one X, as So it published on its YouTube profile, which was the first game ever recorded on both Microsoft consoles.

Some images lack spark

YouTube compression aside when playing video at 1080p, the truth is that these first images do not have a slightly bittersweet taste. The video starts with a game filmed on Xbox One X and details about the Night City city are outstanding , as we will be able to see very different neighborhoods and the depths and heights of the building will cause us to stop to see the environment many times.

To end this bizarre taste, the moment Silverhand appeared in the video was a bit… different from what we expected. Once again, expectations happened to us once again, and our dear Keanu Reeves's face doesn't look particularly good considering the images we've seen before.
Why is the Xbox Series X not surprising?

Maybe in the meantime you'll expect to find some particularly striking scenes where the potential of the Xbox Series X is plausible, but the truth is we don't get that feeling yet at the moment. We reiterate that the quality posted on YouTube videos is not helping, but everything can be proved for an extremely simple reason.

The high-resolution texture pack the Xbox Series X version will get won't be available until next year, so this demo might not have this bundle installed. This will be essential when it comes to enjoying Cyberpunk in all its splendor in the new generation, so we'll see how long those from CD Project Red keep us waiting to get the pack. The texture has been waiting for a long time. Considering that the game was only delayed, we fear that we will have to keep waiting for more.

That said, everything turns out that the version shown is the backward-compatible one that runs on the Xbox Series X, so beyond load times (which will definitely be appreciated) and infrequent visual effects We can't see the big difference. to play on Xbox One X (no texture pack of course).

Where is Xbox Series S?

But if there's one thing to stand out from, it's the fact that there is no picture captured from the Xbox Series S. Remember that the Xbox Series S will pull the emulator version of the Xbox One, so the graphics differences are in. The level of detail can be quite important. , so today's date is not displayed. This doesn't mean the Series S version is bad, but to get the quality as expected, we'll have to wait to get the texture pack, so some users may be disappointed.

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