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What Does Game Programming Need? Is it difficult? How long to study?


Hi, most of me see young middle school and high school students like learning game programming, right: ') so in this post, I will talk about it, consider it difficult, how long to learn, how to program it, etc.

What Does Game Programming Need?

Come to the first question "what do games need?
Then you don't need much, just the following:
  • Game Engine: used to make games (AnonyViet 1 series about Godot Engine for you to learn by yourself)
  • Asset: The resources used to program the game I say are a bit wrong, this is art game, character art, tilemap,….
  • Idea: To make a game, you must have an idea to implement it.
  • Computer Configuration: Weak is 2D, strong is 3D.
  • Game Platform: game platforms such as PC, Android, IOS, Web
  • Industrious: Industrious industrious industrious industriousness.

What Language to Use Game Programming?

This is probably the question that many of you ask the most, I would like to say too.
If you want to know which language to program in, you should determine which engine you will use first.

Experience choosing Engine for programming

I used to be interested in learning game programming but I don't know how I went to youtube to search and program the game to SIReal channel. After hard research, follow some game programming tutorials with GMS and it's like c * t. I do not mean to criticize the channel but I criticize its Engine & Language, it is difficult for beginners to add a difficult interface to use.

And then later on I met Godot Engine and his work from that game and is now 1-year experience and 5 the game was out lo. Khi game programming for Godot himself using its own language is GDScript based on python that You guys also know Python is an easy language to learn so it is easy to learn for beginners & or programmers.


So in short, you should learn the languages ​​your Engine supports.

Which Engine is used to program the game?

It's also easy, I will list you an Engine list to learn game programming
  • Unity: This engine is popular and widely used, it can both make movies and make games. 3D & 2D are both fine. And it uses C # (2D loses to Godot). This engine, if you have to learn a little while to be able to make a good game with it.
  • Unreal Engine 4: This engine, you probably heard a lot already: D, this Engine is from Epic Games. In terms of 3D, this child is definitely the strongest, ranking in the top 1. It uses C ++ if you do not want to program with language then you can program with a blueprint (Unity also). It is quite difficult if you have high talent, then learn quickly
  • Godot Engine: This is a 1 Engine from 2013-2014 and it is only popular when it comes to version 3.0, but the previous versions are hardly known. When to version 3.0 is a complete makeover for it. With 2D, it cuts out GMS and Unity, but 3D still has weak support. Using multiple languages ​​for programming: Python, C #, C ++, Ruby, Java. This is Engine open source should Engine will free without paying fees like some other Engine. The Easiest Engine for Beginners
  • Game Maker Studio (GMS): This guy has already made a 2D game. Does not support 3D. Easy but not ordinary easy: v
  • Armory: This is a neat open source Engine that integrates with 3D Blender animation software, one of the most popular choices for anyone in the 3D open source community.
  • CryEngine: is a powerful 3D game engine for a console or PC.
  • Corona: This one is a 2D game and uses Lua
  • Cocos2d: This 2D engine in Vietnam is used by a lot of people. It uses C ++
  • And many other things you can discover for yourself.

So How Long Does It Take To Program Well?

When I first learned to make games, I followed the Tutorials on youtube and at that time, you know English is a big barrier (at that time I was not very good at English: I could learn). So I finished groping for a tutorial after that, then I started working on a new project but at that time I was still in a daze. If you don't know which question, just go to Google and ask: ") and you will remember more and more your brain, and then you will be good at programming: ') Programming Language is like our language. Just say to be good at it, you must understand it first.

Where Should I Find Asset?

I find it in 2 pages
  • OpenGameArt
These 2 sites are enough free assets + to pay for you


So my answer is: Industrious diligence, to understand programming language as the language you speak.
Hard-working with online tutorials, if there are errors, search google instead of asking group, that is a programmer's personality. Should absorb other people's opinions. Well and should create a notepad for taking notes.
Learning Game Programming is not that difficult either: ”) it matters how long you last.
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